Game Design Projects

Orange Dawn

Orange Dawn is a 2D top-down shooter roguelike game focused survival and fight against zombie bots and machines that comming towards you. This is a semester-long team project with Tom Jiang, Yifeng Ni, Fransico, Marta (for GSD 405 SP 2023, UIUC). I was the core programmer for the game loop and logic with the base combat system in Unity engine.

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Emotional Damage

Emotional Damage is a 2D story-orientated adventure game focused on the emotional evolution and conflicts between players and four different NPCs. I am responsible for creating art assets, the story flow, and the connection between programming, art, and the story teams. This is also a one-month Game Jam project.

see website here>

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​Flicker is a 2D platform game for young Chinese starter learners to learn and
understand Chinese more systematically and engage through interacting with the
evolution and formation of characters. This was an individual project. I was working on it from the idea to the game’s production.​

see website here>

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LUNA PORTFOLIO (Alternative Drive Link)

This is a group game proposal project by David Zhu, Zezhi Guo, and Dmitry Shuklin in 2021. We proposed the gameplay, feature, aesthetics, and user experience in this proposal. I contributed to the brainstorming of gameplay, player experience structures, and subsections of feature specs.

see website here>


This is a group Unity Game Jam project by Junting (David) Zhu, Yufeng Liu, Runze Wang, Viki. and Xia Yu. The topic is “end where you start”. My role in the team is game design and game production documents.

see website here>

Marriage, Please

This is a 2-day Global Game Jam (London) project with Jacky Park, Revan Ji, Charlie Zhang, Roger Wang, @benisu, and Jessica Zhao. You will be presented with a marriage requestor, looking to get married, and two candidates, from which you choose to match with the requestor. To avoid inbreeding, you also handily have a family tree of the island, next to you to consult at any time. Click the correct option presented to you to progress to the next round. Click the family tree on the bottom right to consult it, and right-click to close the family tree.